Current Index of Names in The Gottfried Grenz Family Tree

     Within the family group the names are alphabetical by first name.  Birth date, if available, is provided to help differentiate between people with the same name
To locate name in the tree click on the name and then work back or forward to find where the branch leads.

                   An attempt has been made to include in this index all the names in the tree.  However some or many have, no doubt, inadvertently been left out.  As these are discovered they will be included.  Thank you for your understanding.

Within the web, next to the name there are three different icons:  .    These icons denote; the continuation of the tree, photos, and information about the person. Names in color match parent to offspring if there are multiple marriages in family.


Ludwig Auer
Olive Bracy b. 1893
Jessy Bracy
Daniel Brower
William Brower
Cora Coon b. 1863
Sidney Cunnington                     
Louise Durand  b. 1923  
Alwine W Englelland b. 1863
Mary Ann Feeney b. 1900
Edo Folkerts
Hans Folkerts
Heidi Folkerts
Heinz Folkerts
Ida Gabbe b. 1863    
Johann L Gieseler
Albert Grenz b. 1897            
Alexander Grenz b. 1884
Alma M C Grenz b. 1929      
Almut Grenz  b. 1929            
Anna Grenz b. 1901            
Charles Grenz b. 1916
Christel Grenz
Edward Grenz b.                      
Erwin Grenz b.  1924              
Elke Grenz
Ferdinand Grenz b. 1821
Gerlinde Grenz                    
Gertrud Grenz  b. 1900   
Gertrud (Gerdi) Grenz
Gottfried Grenz b. 1787
Gustav Grenz b. 1895             
Gustave E Grenz b. 1861   
Gustave G Grenz Jr       
Harold M Grenz b. 1926       
Herbert Grenz b. 1921          
Hermann F Grenz b. 1857      
Henry Grenz     
Irene Grenz
Janine Grenz b. 1986       
Luise A Grenz b. 1909
Marlis Grenz
Martin M Grenz b. 1898        
Lawrence Grenz
Rainier H Grenz b. 1962     
Robert Grenz b. 1920
Roswitha (Rosi) Grenz
William Grenz  b. 1913
Rudolph Hasche 
Shirley Hasche b. 1927           
Susan Grenz
Catherine A Marmien b. 1924
Raymond Marmion  b. 1900
Minna Moulin  b. 1900                       
Tjark M Moulin b. 1865
Anna Muller b. 1889
Johanne Muller b. 1827 
Marie Muller b. 1897
Alma Emilie Thoms b. 1867      
August F Thoms b. 1827
Minna Thoms b. 1887
Ronnie Tommaro
Joerg Weckmann
Marie E Wilherlmine b. 1893     

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