A Short History - Annitha

Annitha remembers the good old out house that was air-conditioned all the time, both summer and winter!  Except Mother Nature provided the wrong temperatures at the wrong time of year?  It was a good reading place, even for those sisters who didn't especially like to read; when there were dishes to be done, it was an especially good library!

Taking a bath on Saturdays in the big washtub, Annitha always tried to be one of the first in line because she hated bathing in "used" water!  Having to carry the ashes out from the stove every morning, plus water into from the stove every morning, plus water into the house before school.  Hiding in the barn when this neighbor came over to cut all the children's hair, because Annitha hated that "bowl cut" he gave!

Working n the large garden, picking potato bugs.  The vegetables were stored for the winter in a root cellar underneath the house, and Annitha was afraid of the lizards and spiders down there, where it was cold and damp;  when Lydia would tell her to go down to get a bag of carrots or potatoes, Annitha would only go half-way down the steps, wait a few minutes then come back up and tell her mother she couldn't find any!  But then her mother would take her down there and show Annitha exactly where the various vegetables were stored!  Working for Percy Wilson all summer, only to have all the money hand over to Dad;  maybe you did get a new dress out of it!

Good memories were of sitting around the stove during the winter, playing cards or games; making candy and listening to the radio, or listening to Dad play the old pump organ while Mother sat quilting in her old rocker.  Chicken dinners on Sunday, plus pie for dessert.  With so many children in the family, we were never lonesome since there was always someone to talk to and share secrets with.  Plus, when any neighbors came over, there were always enough to get a ballgame together.

Although we may have been considered poor by some people, we always had plenty to eat and we were rich in family love.  Our parents never complained about their lot in life.  They were both thankful for what the Good Lord had given them.


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