Current Index of Names in The German Family Trees

     Within the family group the names are alphabetical by first name.  Birth date, if available, is provided to help differentiate between people with the same name
To locate name in the tree click on the name and then work back or forward to find where the branch leads.

                   An attempt has been made to include in this index all the names in the tree.  However some or many have, no doubt, inadvertently been left out.  As these are discovered they will be included.  Thank you for your understanding.

Within the web, next to the name there are three different icons:  , .    These icons denote; the continuation of the tree, photos, and information about the person. Names in color match parent to offspring if there are multiple marriages in family.


Emelia A Erdman b. 1842
Elizabeth Garth b. 1864
Carl Grenz
Charles Grenz b. 1864
Genevieve F Grenz b. 1925
Leonard Grenz b. 1894
Mary M D Grenz b. 1920
Catherine Guanella
Gertrude Jones b. 1899
George John Jones
Wilhelmenia Schmidt
Edwin Simon b. 1916
Edward R Simon b. 1878
Lorie Simon
Paige Simon
Sheryl Simon
Win Simon

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