Heinrich and Freda Back

(Forsch) Grenz



Heinrich (Henry) Grenz

Brother Henry Grenz was born 24 Feb. 1880 in the vicinity of Odessa, Russia.  In 1885 he came with his parents to America.  They settled at Eureka, SD.  Brother Grenz also lived for six years in Canada and three years in Portland, OR.  Since 1924 his home was in Franklin, CA.  In 1904 he married Freda Forsch, his presently grieving widow. the marriage was blessed with 9 children.  Two died in childhood and one son in his 20th year.  In 1902 he was converted and baptized by pastor Haufmann on his confession of faith.  He was firm in his faith until the end.  One Sunday morning in 1931 he suffered a stroke and since then he has ailed.  The last year he had to spend 12 days in the hospital.  God took him home on Oct. 24 1941, at the age of 61 yrs. and 8 months.  He leaves behind his wife, Sister Grenz. 2 sons, 4 daughters, 9 grandchildren, and many relatives and friends.  Blessed are they that die in the Lord.    

Franklin, CA

Der Sendbote                                      

 November 19, 1941

Contributed by Harley Grenz

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